Policy Platform
Strengthen the Behavioral Health and I/DD Workforce
Reinforce and grow the behavioral health and I/DD workforce through supporting programs that incentivize recruitment, especially in underrepresented communities, retainment, and empowerment.
Increase retention in the behavioral health and I/DD workforce by supporting increased pay for practitioners, easing licensure administrative burden, and expanding continuing education programs and supports.
Advancing Equity
Advocate for increased access to cultural competency education for professionals in behavioral health and I/DD and recruitment of workforce from the communities they serve.
Support policy that allows individuals with I/DD to live full, independent lives.
Comprehensive Crisis Response
Improve the crisis response system for everyone by advocating for wrap around services to support a community member during a crisis, after a crisis, and to prevent future crises.
System Sustainability
Advocate for sustainable funding mechanisms for behavioral health and I/DD.